ryan sharpe
Branching Dialogue Editor Tool
Branching Dialogue & Procedural Camera Placement Tool
Responsible for developing all aspects
Developed a branching dialogue tool that also serves to automate camera placement for interactive dialogue sequences.
Allows user to quickly set up and prototype dialogue sequences.
Results closely resemble dialogue sequences in AAA RPG games such as Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect 1.
Procedurally Placed Camera Compositions
Portrait Shot
FrameShare Shot
OverShoulder Shot
Lucasfilm VR Project
Responsible for developing all systems and interactions
Involved in a summer industry course at Texas A&M with Industrial Light and Magic (ILM). My team and I worked on creating a VR experience within a voodoo shop. Course emulated a production environment and pipeline. My team members created the 3D assets, art, and animation.
Alternate Environment Rendering with Render Texture
A alternate environment is tagged in another layer. A camera only renders objects in that layer. A render texture on the mirror is associated with that camera.
Matching Cards Interaction
User matches the cards in the proper area
Potion/Cauldron Interaction
User pours potions into cauldron by intersecting the cork with the cauldron mouth.
Pin Interaction
User intersects pins into highlighted areas.
Pins and eyes are connected via a configurable joint.
Knife Interaction
User intersects knife into highlighted area.
Knife and body are attached via a configurable joint. The voodoo doll's limbs are connected via character joints.
Story Progression Mechanic
Animation plays once user looks at the ghost.
Raycast sent from the headset/camera to trigger it.Interaction appears once animation is complete.
User completes interaction.
Animation reappears leading to next interaction.
48 Hour Unity Prototypes
Chillennium Game Jam 2018 - Won Best Recognition for VR
Responsible for scripting along with 1 other member
VR Interface
Game Manager
Teleportation maintaining player orientation
Chillennium Game Jam 2017
Responsible for all scripting
Arched Throwing Projectile Mechanic
Paper Airplane Switching Mechanic
Randomized Raindrops
Johns Hopkins Hackathon - Won Honorable Mention
Responsible for scripting and assets along with 1 other member
Randomized sheep navigation within area of circle
Rocket directional firing
C4-Sheep spawning rate proportional to player score
1 Week Challenge
Responsible for all aspects
360 Stunt Mechanic
Crashing Mechanic
Raycast distance check from ground to manage crashing/stunt